Aug 26, 2013


how bad is a bat
disrupts orchard's owner dream
of a big harvest

Haiku Heights #273 - Bat

© 2013 Balqis

Aug 25, 2013

Sunday Scribbling

I watched "Snow White and The Huntsman" and saw elves appearing from the birds' bodies. They were two cute elves with beautiful big eyes. So cute, they looked like babies. Everything was so beautiful in Fairy Land. Butterflies arranged themselves on trees and at first sight, they looked like beautiful flowers. Even mosses turned out into something indescribably beautiful and they were alive! And the mushrooms that had eyes! Such mushrooms would never go into my soup because they are so adorable!

The beauty of Fairy Land was so captivating which could make me watched for hours and hours. If only it was real!

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© 2013 Balqis

Aug 18, 2013


written on her face
the deep creases of time
her smile is still great

© 2013 Balqis

This is my first participation in Haiku Heights prompt 271 Age.

Aug 17, 2013

Life Is Beautiful

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The beautiful chirpy sounds, so romantic among the fragrant flowers in a dewy morning. I could almost hear him says "I love you" to Mama Bird, followed by more cheeriness of tiny voices rising from the warm nest securely built among the branches of a shady tree. One happy family waking up for another beautiful day full of love and hope.

© 2013 Balqis

Aug 12, 2013


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when you're speechless
I'm speechless
who could blame it
breeze stops blowing
we feel the heat
but who would complain
trees standing still
like toy soldiers
no songs of birds
they lose their tunes
all seem void
until an ice-breaking
bringing back life
and sparkles in the eyes
conveying silent words
make us more speechless
how that could happen
I see me in your eyes
you see you in my eyes
does it really mirror
what lies deep within
that words could not explain
we remain speechless

- - - - - - - - - - - - -

This is nothing more than just a rambling and written based on my imagination. Actually, I was looking at my drafts which to date accumulate to 149 posts, either a quarterly done, half done, almost done or still a long way to reach the finishing line. This is among the ones I tried to complete and I think I've done it though deserve no credit. May be other posts will remain as drafts if words can't find their ways into them. Better, blame be on me!

© 2013 Balqis

Aug 6, 2013

Sweet Melody Remains Sweet

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a song on air
a story recited
in rhythms of music
a soul healed
from injuries of the past
in counts of minutes
the sweet melody
erases slowly
those bad memories
the pleasant ending
touches the heart
and lives in it


Today I "read" a story in a song and enjoy the good lessons in rhythms of music and beats of tempo which show the itinerary of life from grey to brightness.

© 2013 Balqis

Aug 3, 2013


sitting on a chair and it rocked
I almost fell
so finding out why 
saw a part of it was dislocated
it kept me thinking
and gave me forewarning, how it would be for me one day
when age catches up, in an ageless time


This is an impromptu writing based on what I experienced early this morning when the birds were still sleeping.

© 2013 Balqis