Aug 3, 2013


sitting on a chair and it rocked
I almost fell
so finding out why 
saw a part of it was dislocated
it kept me thinking
and gave me forewarning, how it would be for me one day
when age catches up, in an ageless time


This is an impromptu writing based on what I experienced early this morning when the birds were still sleeping.

© 2013 Balqis


  1. yes, it could be a warning sign... you better fix it as soon as possible! Have a good weekend!!

    1. So kind of you for giving the advice. Thank you, Ric. Have a good weekend too! :)

  2. Don't ignore warning signs! When the age does catch up, you got to be ready :)

    1. Yeah, that's right, Raj. But we can't help facing it. Thanks for your comment. :)

  3. You know, BB, surely you remember my Granddad, he was, is, and will always be a wise man, he can not help himself, he always said it was his chastisement for daring to live. :)

    Also, in each opportunity he has, he tells me, not to wait for the Golden Years to enjoy life. It is too late because then everything in you aches, even the ideas!

    This is the warning the chair was giving to you! Forget the old age, it will take care of itself, and will reach you eventually, but in the meantime you can take all the good things life have. :)

    Maybe the memory of those good things will be a comfort for the inconveniences of old age!

    Good writing! in a few words, you wrote a great truth, and when even birds were still sleeping! Good for you!! :))

    1. Of course, I remember him. Indeed he's wise for all the things he mentioned about life. He could be the envy for most of us because even at such an age, he could make the most of his life. I do envy him, you know!

      I appreciate your advices, Od. You know, I was afraid I might fell down and hit the table. Well, the chair needs a replacement because it's "aging"! I relate it to how would life be when I reach that stage one day, the time which no one could evade. Yes, I'd definitely think of the present time, live in it and enjoy the good things. The past will then be a memory.

      Thank you so much for all your kind words. You know, most of the times I'm always ahead of the birds. :))

  4. Thank you for sharing those beautiful and meaningful lines :)

    1. It's my pleasure. Thank you, Aunt Mary, for being here. :)

  5. Never allow anything to catch up with you later. Deal with it head on so you can live in peace and not fear, waiting for that dreadful day. Maybe it was a warning, who knows? But you could be sorry if you take no notice!
    Very interesting.

    1. I'm happy reading your advices, Rumpunch. Thank you for your kindness. :)

  6. Time waits for no one and for nothing... Guess me must grab every opportunity and make the most out of the little time we have.

    Very meaningful lines Balqis, Made me think quite a lot....

    1. Yes, that's right, Hotei. Thank you so much for your nice comment . I'm glad you find this humble post meaningful. :)
