Jan 16, 2011

Haiku - Rain


You drizzle like snow,
A sight beautiful and white,
Brings forth purity.


You tap on my roof,
So heavily pricking it,
Cold right to my bones.


Your gift's a rainbow,
Lovely candy for my eyes,
As you leave slowly.

Thinking of  rain,
Cold Sunday morning.

*The idea of writing this Haiku came to me on a rainy day. It had been raining for two days and cold was gripping right into the core of my bones. I divided the Haiku into 3 parts to show rain's beauty, harshness and kindness.

Image  :  designbyvanece.com


  1. You tap on my roof,
    So heavily pricking it,
    Cold right to my bones.

    I felt this!! Crazy and brilliant!

  2. @Hairyman - Thank you, Harish! Nice to know that you felt it. :)

  3. Il pleure dans mon coeur
    Comme il pleut sur la ville ;
    Quelle est cette langueur
    Qui pénètre mon coeur ?

    My heart cries
    as it rains on the town
    What is this melancholy
    That goes into my heart!

    You see, BB, your words are in line with a wonderful poem from Paul Verlaine, one of the greatest French poets of the XIX century!

    Lovely and with languor!

  4. I was first mesmerized by the picture of the rain and I was into every single word of your haiku. You make rain sounds so beautiful that I am missing it so much now!

  5. @Tony - Thank you for the beautiful poem of Paul Verlaine. I didn't know who he's until now. This is indeed a great sharing from you. This Haiku can be considered a "dwarf" compared to Paul's poem cos he was one of the greatest French poets in the great era of XIX.

    I didn't know, too, that what I wrote is inline with his. Never read his poems. It's a coincidence. But anyway, thanks so much for your very kind words. And for comparing a tiny bee with a giant of poetry. Thanks, Od! :)

  6. @LiLing - Thanks a lot for such a beautiful comment. It's my attempt on Haiku. :)

  7. Rainy day is gentle- if it's not harsh but calm! Brilliant! :)

  8. @Moon - Thank you! We can always look at it from various aspects. :)

  9. the words are full of life. even one who does not enjoy poetry will relate to this poem of yours. i look forward to having a great writer of this era. i'd be lucky to be alive.

  10. Life is wonderful. Nature is wise and beautiful. Picture perfect.

  11. @sherrybaas - Thanks so much for your very nice comments. It's such a high hope of yours. I wish I could achieve what you said. :)

  12. @Nice - You said it so nicely. That's what life is. :)
