How fast time flies with super wings leaving us so helpless in wheezing breaths,
Time plays its role to be here now, then gone in the memories of sweet yesterdays,
Yesterdays with all their glories, and it was just yesterday we shared the laughter,
Under the bright blue sky those dimples deepened so sweetly in every smile,
It will be engraved in my little heart, forever there it stays, the precious gift of gifts.
A group of clouds were passing by, I thought I could catch one of them for keeps,
It was among those clouds a very faint image of yours was snatched from my sight,
My knees weakened, I felt the whole world tumbling on me, crushing my soul badly,
The time had came, the sky started grieving in a black cloak cascading torrents of tears,
That was the time no power on earth could stop
it for above all, there is a super power.