Dec 1, 2012

Omar Akram - Surrender

Listening to good music can soothe my mind after slogging days of works. I love Omar Akram's music.  This is among his creations which I got from youtube. Credits to Andreea Petcu for uploading this video. 

This sentimental and romantic music makes me feel so light and enable me to fly gracefully in the air. As if I am gliding among nature's beauty; smiling and laughing, admiring the uniqueness of each one and feel so blessed to be able to see their existence which makes this world beautiful. Deep in my heart I wish this beauty to ever last though deep down in my heart, too, there is a scary shadow lurking somewhere as a warning sign that hopes will fall into pieces as we progress, more developments take place, thus more destructions done on nature...

I am now carried away by the beauty of this music; listening with eyes closed and in deep appreciation. It is such a wonderful feeling which makes me wish to listen more and more to it. Listening to music is one way of decluttering myself from the bugs of life. Indeed, I feel so relax now when the beautiful melody of this music  gently touches my soul. I am in another world where there is peace and love. I heart it!


  1. Yes! awesome music. I liked it too... feels so good to hear light romantic music! thumbs up!

    1. We are in the same boat! Thank you for the thumbs up which is meant for Omar Akram. I just love his music!

      Happy weekend, Ric! :)

  2. Tasteful music that touches us can do wonders to our tired mind. :)

    1. Well-said! That's exactly the vital role it plays in our lives. And as a music lover, I appreciate it so much.

      Thank you, Sui. Have a great weekend! :)

  3. music conveys a lot better than what we can do with words, it is somehing we can interpret with our heart...all the feeling inside!!

    1. I couldn't agree more. Thank you for your comment. :)

  4. beautiful music...I agree it is very soothing
