Dec 26, 2011

Don't Take For Granted

I really love this quote.
How about you?


  1. True. Unfortunately human taking for granted and not take care of what is conquered is very common.
    An antidote is when the possibility of loosing appears.

  2. I agree. Thanks for your insight. :)

  3. I agree. Yes, this is a really thoughtful quote my friend, and you made me stop and think, did I take those important someone in my life for granted, well I am not perfect but I guess I didn't. Thank you for sharing this, I have a night to reflect on :)

  4. It's nice to know you don't take for granted those important to you. Appreciate your comments. Thanks, Prime. :)

  5. It is true my friend because you will never know how much courage it put to be in that life ... aw, this quote touch me badly... Hoping I am not forgetting someone or taking someone for granted... thank you for reminding me my friend ... :-)

  6. This is one of my favorite quotes and I'm so glad you chose this one to share with all of us :)

    In the past year I've been quite disappointed by a friendship that started on the internet. We spoke on the phone several times at great length and actually had plans to meet someday during one of her trips.

    I've watched her 'reel' in new followers, making them feel special and then not bothering afterwards. I've seen her prioritize comments and messages to people who never take the time to even notice she exists, while ignoring my text messages, emails, etc.

    Whenever I see this quote, I think of her and people like herself. I'm not calling myself a 'diamond' by any means but I feel that she did lose me while trying to collect all the 'stones' along the way . . .

    Everyone should take heed of this wonderful quote, dear Balqis :)

  7. I agree. All our relations should be build every day, if not, then it will be most like it to die. Every day is chance to make our bonds stronger no matter how strong they are actually.

  8. I love this post, I love the quote too.:) And I agree with all what is written,:) Every thing or even the most little thing we used to see everyday must be taking care and give our best on it. We might not now that this little thing or person you see is the most precious one that will build you up or make you shine out of the many people around you. We must appreciate all even though we gain or we loss, because we are created not to take for granted as well, but to be appreciated in our own way. Thank you so much for this post! :)

    Happy holiday Balqis.. Wish you all the best and more and more blessings this coming New Year! :)

  9. Your are welcome my friend. Actually before I am gifted with so many close friends, I know they are loyal to me, in a count of fingers at least, but where they are now? They are nowhere to see, but I know they are just on their own, it's part of growing up. I never take them for granted so are they, we are still friends, we just have to find and live our own life, but despite of that the memories we share together are vivid in our for my family, they are both valuable to me, it may seem that I am in distant with them, but I never take them for granted, as of my personal affair, I mean my B, I am doing my best each day just to make her feel she is special, I am not perfect but I am always at my best. Have a great day my friend :) See you soon :)

  10. Awesome Balqis.
    This quote could not have described life and everything that goes with it better. We always take people and things for granted and the day we lose those who was precious to us, we want to tantrum. Love this.
    Have a great 2012.

  11. This is a quote from real life, but we keep on taking people for granted and make mistakes always

  12. i thought and i'm pretty sure i have posted my comment for this one but maybe some errors occur without i realize it.

    anyway back to your post,this is very nice. the quote is just right. it happens in real life needless to say.

    thanks for sharing Balqis :)

  13. @Will - For some reasons, I'm also touched by this quote. You know, some people don't see we "exist" no matter how much we appreciate their presence. But we can't determine what they should do. As I always say, they have a choice. Anyway, thank you so much for your comments. :)

  14. @~*Princesa Fiona*~

    I'm happy that it's one of your favourites. It's one of mine, too, that's why I share it here. It's sad she didn't see the gem in you. You really cared and appreciated the friendship so much but sadly, she ignored you. I'd really feel bad when someone does that to me. You're a real gem, Fiona. When someone didn't know it, she was blinded by other glitters which she thought were real diamonds. May be among all the stones, she'll try to look for a sparkle of diamond.

    Thank you so much for sharing your experience. I'm touched by your response. It means a lot when you're sharing a real experience which can be related to this quote. :)

  15. @Miss Lego - Thanks a lot for your comments. How nice it is if bonds between families, friends or neighbours grow stronger each day amidst rain or shine. But sometimes, the bond deteriorates when people don't pay much attention to it. People have their preferences but some don't benefit them in any way in terms of having love, care, attention and respect. Thanks, Miss lego, for your views. :)

  16. hi balqis, this is a beautiful piece, i love it too, thanks for sharing dear...

  17. Thanks a lot, Wan. It's nice to know you like it. :)

  18. @Sagittarian - Thanks a lot for your well-said comments. I really like it. :)

  19. @Prime - What you said saddens me.
    It's really great you don't take friends for granted but what you get back is just the other way around. May be, some are too busy and they forget to see some diamonds even right in front of them. Anyway, you still have many more great people around you who are worth your attention, your beloved family and your special Berlina. I'm happy to know it. May all the best be with all of you! :)

    I appreciate your comments. :)

  20. @Berlina - Thanks so much for your very nice comments. Sometimes, people take things for granted. They only know they lost the diamond when they didn't see it any more. :)

  21. @Arnab - I agree with you. Thanks a lot for your comments. Welcome to my blog! :)

  22. @Inspector - I looked for your comments elsewhere but didn't find it. There must be a glitch somewhere. Anyway, I'm happy to see that you're here again.

    Thank you so much for your comments. What's mentioned in this quote is something that happens in reality, in our ever day life. Let's learn something from it - to appreciate what we have and never take for granted. :)

  23. Awesome Quote Balqis. I didn't know it but it speaks loads. We too often take for granted the people we have in our lives. We try to reach to many others, like we are collecting friends, forgetting the first ones are the most precious ones. May we see the diamonds in our lives and may we honour them for the love we share.
    take care Balqis.

  24. Thanks a lot, Marie. Sometimes, we fail to see the good friends we met. In an effort to get more friends, we tend to forget those good ones. May we collect more diamonds in this journey of life. :)

  25. I've never heard of that quote, but yeah -- it's a real beauty! (: Thank you, so kindly, for sharing it.

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