Where had they gone to? Once there were white storks that used to look for big insects for the feed of the day among the short green, green grass at the end of the field. Only once in awhile, they flew for safety when there were sounds of roaring engines' planes coming close to the airstrip at the times for landing. Like a big umbrella, they rose and flew together as a flock to one direction, keeping themselves safe from being hit by the plane. Then, they were back again landing on the same grass and carrying on their daily chores till they were full.
They came in big flock that looked like a big white sheet spread on the grass and so eye-catching from afar. Their presence became the attraction of the town and so popular, thus they could be found on signboards and even in concrete forms as beautiful statues which symbolize this place as a coastal town. They had occupied that piece of land for a long, long time. But as the town grew into a concrete jungle, the flocks seemed dwindling away. Any nature lover who had seen these white storks would miss them; their beautiful sight in the dewy morning and even against the orange evening rays they were very diligently making the last hunt of the day.
Survival seems inevitable on what is left and would be a rare sight to see them even in a small group. How lonely and distress the heart of a lone ranger stork walking the same place which had been reduced in size and which offers so little as a hunting ground. The rest of the flocks must have ventured far till they meet a suitable place which could ensure the continuation of the next generations. Without much of them around, it saddens one true nature lover whose heart flies with the rest who take flight to an unknown place with no promises of another paradise.
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This photo was taken by me in 2010 and could be viewed in my post on 2.12.2010. |
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