Jul 4, 2011

Haiku - A New Day

The sun just risen,
And let the rays kiss the room,
A promising day.

All the warmth it brings,
Illuminates in the heart,
Uplifts the spirit.

Cherished hopes, 
July 4th'1l
On a Monday

Image : freakingnews.com


  1. I always look forward to every morning Balqis..it gives another new day to start a new beginning, it gives hope for dreams to come true and a new chance to make a day worthwhile.Every morning gives us another moment to thank God and be grateful for the things that He has done and will be doing in our lives.

    Every morning is indeed a blessing..because he has given us another day to live with our love ones and an opportunity to give love :)

    *hugs sis*

  2. Yes, every morning should be looked forward to, positively. Another brand new day for another new beginning.

    Thanks a lot for a very nice comment, Sie. :)

  3. I like the curtain, Mommy! Hahaha! Every morning when I was younger, I used to hide at the back as I call my little sister to look for me. The silhouette though reveals where I actually am. Funny yesteryear.

  4. Oh! it was you who peeped through the curtain! Gotcha!

    Thanks, Ning. :)

  5. The rays streaming in
    awake our soul with full zest
    Live another day!

    Balqis, live each and every day!!! :)

  6. Thank you so much, Suresh. You could say it better than me! Yes, I'd love to live each and every day. :)

  7. hi balqis,
    the morning sun....
    Illuminates in the heart,
    Uplifts the spirit.> THIS IS REALLY GREAT AND REFRESHING..

    the morning sun each day, come what may, by noon, will fade my dreams away. > and i refreshed it again -with a new dream the next morning..
    sorry if i am one crazy visitor :)

  8. A promising day- Uplifts the spirit-

    Your cherished hopes rising above the rays- Great work- :)

  9. @cv - Wan, thank you a lot for your kind words. Your expressions are so nice! Nope, never think of yourself as a crazy visitor, you're among the visitors I love to see here. Keep coming! :)

  10. @Omo - Thank you so much for your compliments. Your kindness is a boost for me to go on. :)
